Baptiste Monet tire la sonnette d'alarme sur les dangers de la mer, appelant à une vigilance accrue après les noyades de cet été.

Safety at sea: Baptiste Monet sounds the alarm after summer drownings

17 November 2024

The sea is dangerous! Baptiste Monet’s call for caution after several tragic drownings

This summer, several tragic drownings have rekindled concerns about safety at sea. In an interview with Ouest FranceBaptiste Monet, a water safety specialist, warns of the dangers of the ocean and stresses the importance of vigilance. His message is clear: “The sea is dangerous!”

The sea, an unpredictable environment

For Baptiste Monet, the sea can be a wonderful leisure ground, but it also entails considerable risks, particularly for the uninitiated and the young. After several tragic incidents, he reminds us that the ocean is a living, ever-changing environment, and that caution must be exercised, especially when weather conditions and ocean currents can change rapidly.

Safety instructions not to be overlooked

It therefore calls for scrupulous compliance with the safety instructions in place on the beaches, in particular the importance of swimming only in supervised areas and paying close attention to the warnings of lifeguards. Lifeguards are trained to detect risks and protect swimmers, and their vigilance is essential to avoid tragedies. Baptiste also stresses that the sea should never be underestimated, even by experienced swimmers.

Precaution first

Another point Baptiste Monet stresses is that of collective vigilance, especially for families with children and young people, who can often be tempted to overlook the dangers. He recommends that all swimmers, whatever their experience, take the time to observe and understand water conditions before jumping in.

Commitment to prevention

At Swim Stars, as at other swim schools, we know how important prevention is to our mission. We are constantly working to raise public awareness of good water safety practices. Baptiste Monet’s speech is a reminder of the importance of this collective mission b

Working together to raise awareness

Baptiste Monet’s interview in Ouest France reminds us of the need to step up prevention and public awareness campaigns. Collaborating with water safety experts, reinforcing training and better informing families are essential steps in making water safety a shared priority.

We’d like to thank Baptiste Monet for stressing so forcefully the importance of vigilance and prevention, values at the heart of our aquatic education program.

👉 To find out more, read Baptiste Monet’s full article in Ouest France here.

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