Children’s Drowning Risks: The Huffpost Discusses AUTO-RESCUE® Program

17 August 2020

Drowning risks: closing pools during Covid could increase risks, according to Huffpost

It is indeed against the risks of drowning that we must fight to protect children. Closed since March 17, 2020, most pools have yet to reopen. This leads us to fear a particularly deadly summer.

How to learn to anticipate an unfortunate fall?

The Huffpost talks about the SELF-RESCUE® program. Indeed, the summer of 2020 came without the precious months of prevention to prepare children. However, learning to be safe in and around water is essential. A concern that our network of swimming schools had already expressed in this

this article in the Parisien

following the closing of the swimming pools. ” It is between March and June that theAUTO-RESCUE® courses are the most requested, especially for children from 3 years old, summarizes the article.

The Huffpost adds:
“Yet, without a pool to learn to swim in, the youngest children arrive destitute on vacation, where they will potentially frequent a private pool, the sea or the ocean.”

The AUTO-RESCUE® anti-drowning program is suitable for children as young as 3 years old. Indeed, the children will be able to learn the reflexes of survival in case of fall in water but also the bases of swimming. This program is

complementary to the government’s 2019 Aquatic Literacy Plan.

“The goal [of these 2 programs, ed. note] is to familiarize children with water starting in kindergarten. Why? To acquire the right reflexes at an early age.”

Be extra careful when there is water nearby! Private pools are the number one hazard for young children.

Read the full article from Huffpost

Huffpost: survival and anti-drowning reflexes with the SELF-RESCUE

The AUTO-RESCUE® anti-drowning program designed by Swim Stars teaches survival reflexes in case of a fall into the water to children from 3 years old

Drowning, a risk that concerns all ages and all swimming areas

According to

Santé Publique France

in France, drowning is the first cause of death by accident of everyday life in children under 25 years old and represents 1000 deaths per year in France.
The most affected are children under 6 years of age at 43% (mostly due to a fall in a private pool) and the elderly at 13%.

“Drownings are mostly preventable, so it’s important to teach children to swim as early as possible, or at least get them used to the aquatic environment.” He adds, “It’s never too late to learn to swim, even as an adult.”

Where to take swimming lessons for children and adults in France?

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